Somatic Sunday: Hips don´t lie
Date: Sunday, December 8 at 14-16 CET. An in-depth workshop with Somatic Movement online on Zoom. We examine the anatomy and unconscious muscle tension in and around our hips and legs. This workshop is much needed for everyone but perhaps especially for those of you who have pain or tension around your hips, legs or knees. Maybe you have osteoarthritis or suspect it? Maybe there are certain movements that you avoid because they cause you pain?
För workshopen behöver du inget annat än en matta, bekväma kläder, en lugn plats att vara på och tillgång till uppkoppling. Kostnad: 450 kr. Zoomlänk kommer i samband med anmälan. Workshopen kommer att hållas på engelska.
Warm welcome! Register here